Published Tuesday, September 27, 2023

ACE in Glencoe and Sadly no Saint Paul

Hi Everyone,
This is just a little short update as to my whereabouts.
This weekend I will be at the Chicago Botanic Gardens, in the American Craft Expositon show. It is a wonderful show in just an incredible venue. There are ninety nine of some of the top artists in the country. I am honored to be included in this show. Sadly, this is the last year for this show. I will be showing my work in booth 603, in one of the courtyards, which are filled with absolutely beautiful Bonsai trees.

Because of my inability to give a good representation of myself and work, I will not be able to exhibit in the American Craft Made show in Saint Paul, which is the following week. For that I am very sorry and apologize. It is a show that I have done for….jeez, I cannot even remember how long! Next year, there is always next year. But if you are here reading this, check out my site, I have some new pieces scattered throughout.
Gotta go and get ready. I hope to see you in Glencoe and again, I really apologize to all of you in Saint Paul.

Published Tuesday, June 28, 2023

Ahhhhh, Summer

As we have now passed from spring and through the Summer Solstice, let us all embrace the sun and the warm weather. It is a time for rejuvenation, enjoyment and family.
My summer will be all of those. I have no events planned until late September. During that time, I will be outside as much as possible, enjoying family, the sun and the warmth.
I hope that you as well, look forward to this time as I do.
Have a wonderful few months.

Published Wednesday, May 18, 2023

Baltimore, here we come!

This is just going to be a short post. Since I leave tomorrow morning and realize I haven’t posted in a bit.

The show is a go!! I’ll be in booth 208.
It is going to feel so nice to take part in this show again. It has always been one of my favorites.
This year, the American Craft Council has made the show free to the public. Use the link below to register for your free tickets.
In addition, before attending, please read the following COVID policy set forth by the American Craft council.
They are making a concerted effort to keep the artists and public safe during this still tenuous time.
If you are willing to come, I do hope to see you.
In the meantime, I have three days of organizing to do in a day. So, it’s off to see the wizard.

COVID-19 Policy for Baltimore
We will be requiring that attendees provide proof of a completed COVID-19 vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test within the prior 72 hours before entering the venue. The safety of our artists, staff, and guests is our top priority as we return to in-person events in 2022. Our policies may be amended closer to the event dates in response to changing public health conditions and local and federal guidelines. Please read the full COVID-19 policy details on our website.

Published Saturday, January 15, 2023

Stop the presses……..oh, too late

A quick one here.
Because of the surge of yet another Greek alphabet letter. The American Craft Council has wisely chosen to delay the American Craft Made Baltimore show.
The new dates will be May 20-22.

Just think, it will be warm there. No threats of massive 1″ snowfalls preemptively shutting the city (sorry, that’s my snowbelt talking).
It will be beautiful. you can take in the show and then head over to Camden Yards for a home game. That’s what I’ll be doing.

So, til then, stay safe and healthy and don’t forget to smile.

Published Thursday, January 6, 2022

Déjà Vu all over again

Hey, Happy New Year! I think.
I know that this seems like a repeated pattern, but, you know, it is.
So, I’m not going to be morose. We have all learned to live and to navigate within this world that for the time being, we have.
Hopefully, that will change and we can drop our armor a bit. But for now…….

Barring a major shutdown, I will be in Baltimore The first week in February. WooHoo!! It will feel great, it’s such an invigorating show to do for me.
The Craft Council has slightly changed the name of the show. It is now “American Craft Made Baltimore”
Please know that the city, Convention Center and American Craft Council all have very stringent rules in attempts to keep us all safe. Rather than spell it out here, check their website at

I do hope to see you there, it has been far too long apart.
Stay safe, stay healthy and don’t forget to smile, even though that part is sometimes hard.

Published Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Maybe…..just Maybe

I know that it has been quite some time since I have posted anything. Even I noticed that!
Hopefully things will slowly start to return to our “new” normal. I miss doing shows, I miss seeing people from around the country. That being said, I do have two shows planned in the coming months. The first is the American Contemporary Jewelry Show in Atlanta. This is a show of twenty jewelers from across the country. It will be held at The Carter Center. The dates and hours of the show are Friday, November 5 – Sunday, November 7. The hours are 10am-5pm each day. I will be in booth 11.
My next show scheduled is the One of a Kind show in Chicago. That show takes place Thursday, December 2 – Sunday, December 5. I will have more details as the time gets near for this show.

I do hope that all of you have stayed well, if you have or had caught this nasty virus, I do hope that it was not too serious.
This is something that I NEVER thought I’d see in my lifetime.
Stay healthy and keep smiling.

Published Tuesday, December 1, 2020


Well, here we all are, I do hope healthy and safe.
As we get to the Holidays, a time when we rejoice in our families, this year is different, wayyyyy different. I’m not going to make a public service announcement here. So, don’t worry. I hope that we all look to the future when the skies are brighter and life seems a tad less heavy. Tad? No, I mean a LOT less heavy.

All I will say, is for everybody to embrace life, embrace your family…..from a distance, stay safe, stay healthy and look forward to 2021. I mean 2020? Sheesh, what a loser of a year!

Have a happy (maybe luke warm) holiday season and try to keep a smile.

Published Wednesday, August 12, 2020

A site-wide “We WILL get through this” sale!

Hello everyone.
As we all struggle to make sense of our lives that have turned upside down, I really feel that I have nothing to add to that conversation. Personally, I just have to look towards the future, the future that I do not know when things will change and we adjust to our “new” normal. In the meantime, please, everyone, stay safe, wear a mask and stay healthy.

I am sitting at home and really miss the fun of doing shows and talking to everyone. With this thought, I am offering a 15% off site-wide sale. I have never done a sale like this before, so it could be time for you to purchase my most current pieces. This sale even includes all of my one of a kind pieces! Please call or email me to discuss any of the pieces that you are interested in.

Again, let us all stay healthy, keep in touch with your friends, you never know who really needs the contact. There will be bright days ahead.

Published Monday, April 13, 2020

I would love to be in Saint Paul this week

I hope that this message finds you all well and sequestered in your home. I do wish that circumstances were different (don’t we all!) and I was going to be in Saint Paul for the American Craft Council Show. But, that is not to be. As you may have noticed on my site, or heard, the event has been moved to the second weekend in October. I do hope that we can all return to some semblance of normal by then. Though, in my readings about how virus’s level out, come back, level out….., I am just not sure.

We all have to find our happiness during this change that has been brought to us. I feel that it may be a big reset for many. As a country of a driven population, perhaps this will make us slow down a bit. Be almost….more European. Enjoy things as they come to us. Enjoy simpler things.
My website is entirely up to date. Feel free to contact me if you would like to speak about any of the pieces.

Until we see each other again. Please stay safe, don’t take chances, use a shopping company to limit exposures in stores, cook good meals, read good books, binge up Netflix, get outside in the air, take long walks, think healthy, stay healthy.

Published Wednesday, March 11, 2020

A late note and schedule change

Hi everyone,
It is with regret that I have chosen to cancel the ACC Atlanta show on short notice. As COVID-19 gives us all uncertainty, I felt it best to stay close to home.
The ACC Atlanta show is one of my all time favorite shows. I will miss all of you.
I have all of my new pieces on the website. Take a look and if you have any questions, feel free to contact me and we can discuss any of the pieces.
I am scheduled to be at the Atlanta Contemporary Jewelry show in November. Let us all hope that everything will pass by then and we can get back to having fun.
Be safe
Be healthy
And…Wash your hands (which TOTALLY sounds like my mom)

Published Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Whoa! Where have I been??

So, you know by the frequency (infrequency?) of my musings, that I’m not really a blogger.
I just looked back and my last posting was before the holidays. Well, that’s a while. Totally didn’t mention anything about the ACC Baltimore show that I was doing (did). or anything else.
Well, here I am. I’m now getting ready for the ACC Show in Atlanta, which is next week. I will be showing my work in booth 312.
Go to for tickets and directions.
But, I have a better deal for you. If you are one of those that read my infrequent blogging. Email me at and I will give you two free one day passes for the show! Please mention that you read it here.
Until next week…..
It’s back to the bench.
See you.

Published Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Winter is here for the holidays

I sit in my studio, watching the snow fall outside. It is a quiet, peaceful feel.
At this time of the season where families gather together, it is at this time that I reflect. I think about life, my life, my family, our life together. I feel so incredibly fortunate for all of it.
I hope that this time of season does that for all of you as well. It is a time for giving, the giving of love.
Peace to everyone, have a great time gathering with family and friends.
Happy Holidays, I will see you in the new year.

Published Wednesday, November 6, 2019

No really, it IS becoming winter.

I have just returned from the Atlanta Contemporary Jewelry Show in Atlanta. What a great show!
Now I have to blow leaves, because I live in the woods. I put on a back pack blower, bluetooth sound cancelling ear muffs (the industrial kind), play some music and dance with leaves. I’m sure it looks great to the neighbors “There he is again, close the blinds”
After that…let’s get ready for winter! And with that comes my last show of the year. The One of a Kind Show Chicago, in the Merchandise Mart.
If you have never been to this show…..well, it’s a treat! I mean like a crazy treat, a soup to nuts, kind of crazy treat. I am not kidding about the soup to nuts part, Amongst all of that is really nice artwork as well. It’s wild. I will be showing in booth 7056, the same place where I have been for a few years.

The dates and hours are:
Thursday, December 5: 11AM – 8PM
Friday, December 6: 11AM – 8PM
Saturday, December 7: 10AM – 7PM
Sunday, December 8: 10AM – 5PM

Hey! Here’s a special one for you. If you would like two free tickets to the show, just email me and I will send you a link. It is the least that I can do for you putting up with my dribble here. If you do use this ticket offer, please let me know in the email that you saw it here. I wonder if any one reads my blog, this will be a good way to check.
In seriousness, I have a lot of really nice new pieces, so you should come to the show. You can even get some soup and nuts.
Ok, time to stop, gas up the blower and let em have it!
See you later, hope to see you in Chicago!

Published Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Atlanta Contemporary Jewelry Show!

Hi Everyone,
I should have posted this earlier.
I am so honored to be picked as one of the 30 national jewelry artists to exhibit in this very cool show. “The Atlanta Contemporary Jewelry Show”. It is being held at the Jimmy Carter Center in Atlanta.

The dates and hours of the show are:
Friday November 1- Sunday, November 3 from 10am-5pm
I will be in booth 21.
For more information, please go to:

This is brief, I have a lot of work to do in the next 10 days.
If you live in the area, I hope to see you there!

Published Thursday, August 15, 2019

Really, I’m thinking about fall already?

Well, I have to tell you that I have really enjoyed this summer.
It has rejuvenated me for some exciting new work. I’m jumping right back in to get ready for the American Craft Exposition show in Glencoe, IL. If you have not come to this show, it is a treat. Personally, to be accepted to exhibit in this show is an honor. It is one of the very top shows in the country. Second, the surroundings of the venue, ahhhhh. The Chicago Botanic Gardens, one of the gems of the midwest.
You should come to the show to see a lot of really great work and allow yourself time to explore the surroundings. One of my favorite areas is the Japanese garden in the morning with mist rising off the ponds. Sounds great doesn’t it?

The dates and hours of the show are:
Thursday, September 19: 6PM – 9PM
(Benefit Party)
Friday, September 20: 10AM – 6PM
Saturday, September 21: 10AM – 6PM
Sunday, September 22: 10AM – 5PM

The proceeds from the show and the Thursday evening preview party benefit increased access to mental health services at NorthShore University HealthSystem.
This whole show is a very worthy cause, please try to to make it.

Go to: for further information and tickets.
I hope to see you there.

Published Wednesday, July 10, 2019

A First!

Hi everyone,
This is really just a quick schedule update for my summer. Well, actually, there is no summer of shows for me. I had thought that the Krasl show in St. Joseph would be my one outdoor show. But alas, the jury thought otherwise. I waited for the call that never came. I also came to the feeling that I was going to enjoy summer like I have not, since I started my career. You know what, it’s really nice!
My next show will be in September at the American Craft Exposition show. The show is held at the Chicago Botanic Gardens, which is worth the trip by itself! Then top it off with some of the best artists in the country. It is an honor to be accepted to exhibit in that show. I will have a really good group of new pieces.
So, for me, for this summer. It is great!
Have a wonderful summer, get outside and smile!!

Published Tuesday, May 28, 2019


Hello Everyone,
Welcome to summer, or at least summer as we know it here (a whole lot of rain!).
As I begin to take more time for myself and family, I have further curtailed my summer show schedule. I will not be exhibiting at the Kalamazoo Art Fair, or the Old Town Art fair this year. The only outdoor summer show I “had” scheduled for the summer is the Krasl show in Saint Joseph, MI in July. Alas, I am waitlisted for that show. Sooooo, you may see me, or not!
As always, I am welcome to studio visits to talk about that special piece that you may want to have in your collection.
Everyone, please enjoy the summer. It will stop raining soon….I hope.
See you soon.

Published Tuesday, March 19, 2019

A little time…..and then Saint Paul

I just finished the show in Atlanta, it was wonderful and my new work was very popular. That is always very exciting, “Hey…… I’m doing something right”.
My next stop leaves Friday for 10 days in the BVI’s sailing with friends ( I know, I know, do not feel sorry for me). Shortly, very shortly after I return it is off to Saint Paul for the ACC show in the River Center. I’ll be in booth 508.

The dates and hours are:
Thursday, April 4: 6PM – 9PM (Preview Party)
Friday, April 5: 10AM – 8PM
Saturday, April 6: 10AM – 6PM
Sunday, April 7: 11AM – 5PM

Ok, I would love to write more (which, if you have read my intermittent blogs, you know that is not true). I mean, who wants to hear what I think? But, I’ve got to hit the bench and get some stuff ready.
See ya

Published Wednesday, February 27, 2019

back in the “go”

Whoa Jeffery!
I just checked and the last time that I posted on this blog was right after New Year. Ok, I’ve missed the boat for the Baltimore show (which I have just returned from). It was nice to be back in Baltimore, for my 30th show!
Next up is the Atlanta show, March 15-17 in booth 207, at Cobb Galleria.
I have just have updated the website with all of my new pieces (I have a bunch of them).
So, if you wanted to read something from me before Baltimore, I apologize. For you in Atlanta, please come to the show. It’s a beautiful show, I hope to see you there.
Til then

Published Thursday, January 3, 2019

Happy New Year!!

Now that we have passed the holidays it is time to set up and set in for the new year. In Kalamazoo, we are still really waiting for that whole winter wonderland thing to start. As of now, that has not really happened.
This seemed like a good time to freshen my website. I have added some new photos on the front end and pieces to the portfolio section that had not been added since September. I have also entered my 2019 schedule as it stands now. Of note, for the first time in 42 years, I am not going to be at the Old Town show in June. That was a big decision for me to give that up. I kind of grew up there. If you could say that I really “have” ever grown up. I also will not be in the Kalamazoo show. My one outdoor show this coming summer is the Krasl Art Fair in St. Joseph. It’s hard to beat looking out at the lake on a beautiful July weekend.
So, there you have it.
Look forward to your year. Look forward to life!

Published Tuesday, November 6, 2018

It’s that time of year again!

Hello everyone,
Well, we have raced through fall, I hear that we may even get some lake effect snow later this week. Nothing to put you in the winter spirit than manically trying to get all of the leaves up before they get pounded into the grass. I did that yesterday.

Next on the jewelry agenda (besides making pieces) is the One Of A kind Show in Chicago, at the Merchandise Mart.
The dates and hours of the show are :
Thursday, December 6: 11AM – 8PM
Friday, December 7: 11AM – 8PM
Saturday, December 8: 10AM – 7PM
Sunday, December 9: 10AM – 5PM
I will be in booth 7056, where I have been the last two years.

This is show is crazy, by that I mean crazy fun! It has something for everyone and I am not kidding. You should really think about hitting the windy city for a weekend and come to this show. In fact, for a bit of enticement, if you email me, I will send you two complimentary passes. Now THAT makes it all worth it, doesn’t it? Really, it is a great time. It’s crowded, it’s active, and there are a ton of cool things. I will have a host of new work as well…….if I stop writing and start working.
With that, I will bid you adieu. Drive safe in the snow, have a great Thanksgiving and hit Chicago December 6-9!

Published Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Coming right up……..

I hope all of you have had a great summer.
I have purposefully taken more time for myself and family. After 40 some years of chaining myself to the bench, it’s been scary and refreshing all in the same breath.
That being said, I have a really great show coming up in September. It is the American Craft Exposition show at the Chicago Botanic Gardens in Glencoe, IL. First off, if you have never seen this show, it is one of, if not the very best shows in the country. I am extremely honored to have been chosen to exhibit in this show. Next, the venue……. oh man, this place is just too cool! The Botanic Gardens are just incredible! Acres and acres of beauty. Come for the show, come for the gardens, come for the day.

The show is: Thursday, September 20: 6PM – 9PM (Benefit Party)
Friday, September 21: 10AM – 6PM
Saturday, September 22: 10AM – 6PM
Sunday, September 23: 10AM – 5PM
I will be in booth 322.
Please see for ticket and preview party information.

Ok Jeffery, the party’s over, get to the bench, make cool things so that you don’t get run over at this show.
I hope to see you in a few weeks, enjoy the summer, while we have it